Tuesday 1 April 2014

End of forums - Alternatives for sports fans

By Raman Khinda
With online forums coming to an end, it is becoming a lot easier to use Twitter and Facebook to generate a better discussion. With sports in general, it is becoming a lot easier for athletes to use twitter and Facebook to interact with their fans by tweeting and commenting in real time which is a huge advantage. This not only helps generate longer conversations but it also helps getting a discussion going during a live game that is being played.

The best part about these social media platforms I that it keeps everyone in the community connected because it is real time rather than having a comment being posted a few days after you have posted onto a forum.  The new generations of social media users typically do not know what forums are and this really shows how old and traditional they have become.

The disadvantage to forums is that they lack platforms in which they could be used on. Nowadays almost everyone has or needs a cell phone and everything can be found on it. It is generally difficult to post onto online forums without getting onto a computer or laptop to comment. With Twitter, Facebook and even Instagram, users that have their phones with them at all times are able to keep in touch with the latest sports news and keep up with their favorite athletes.

Social media has changed the way we look at the internet and it has changed the way we watch and see sports. With live tweets on twitter about recent scores and information on trades that have been going on in each major sport gives users the ability to stay connected anywhere they are. With Facebook, users can follow and like certain team pages and get instant feeds on what is happening. Instagram can also post live scores as well as what athletes are doing in their daily lives.
Laird, S. (2013, October 3). How sports fans engage with social media . Retrieved March 31, 2014, from Mashable: http://mashable.com/2013/10/03/sports-fans-social-media/

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